Altitude Industries iKamper Dealer and Overland Gear

Altitude Industries iKamper Dealer and Overland Gear
Trailers, Kitchens, Overland Gear, Rooftop Tents

Lift Before And After Shot

I took these before and after shots of the lift. I also took measurements to see what the real results of the lift were.

The lift leveled out the jeep's "rake". So, depending where you measured, you got different amounts of "lift". 2.5" of my lift are due to going from 32" tires to 37" tires. Points B& E are measured from the ground to the underside of my differentials. They increased 2.5" which verified the tire size was a true 37" diameter.

The amount of lift achieved were as follows:
A = 9.75"
B = 2.5"
C = 9.25"
D = 8.5"
E = 2.5"
F = 8.0"

That changes my breakover angle from 21.5deg (Stock Rubicon, 17.8deg Stock X) to 37.4deg!
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